With generous support from the Jobs for the Future - Rural Immigrant Success Exchange program, the Rural Maya Entrepreneur program at Comunidad Maya Pixan Ixim is providing Maya Q'anjob'al and other Indigenous Maya immigrants with the language access, training, tools, and resources they need to start or grow their small businesses LLCs or cooperative models.
The Rural Maya Entrepreneur program provides:
Small Business Development Support
Maya Peer Mentors
- Aspiring Maya entrepreneurs will be connected to Maya Peer Mentors (in Nebraska and across the country) for guidance and support
- Maya Peer Mentors will receive a stipend for their participation in the program
Fondo Semilla - Seed Funding
Facilitate access to banking and capital
- CMPI will strengthen the ecosystem for Indigenous Maya Entrepreneurs by developing a working relationship with a Nebraska-based credit and savings union and a CDFI
- Interpretation/translation services will be provided as needed to access services